
Isabelle Snaauw 23-07-2024
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The research project InStruct—Integrating remote sensing and computational modelling to assess infrastructure conditions—aims to develop an automated system for near real-time assessment of infrastructure conditions using satellite data.

Principal Investigator: Dr. Giorgia Giardina, TU Delft

Around the world, infrastructure like bridges and quay walls is deteriorating due to climate change and aging. Limited time and funding prevent thorough on-site inspections and repairs, highlighting the need for reliable and affordable tools to prioritize maintenance. Advances in satellite monitoring technology have shown great promise in detecting infrastructure deformations, which can signal early structural problems. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) techniques can measure surface changes with millimeter accuracy over large areas. However, to understand the vulnerability of specific structures, this data must be combined with knowledge of their structural behavior.

InStruct aims to develop an automated system for near real-time assessment of infrastructure conditions using satellite data. The project will address the challenge of incorporating InSAR measurements into a damage assessment method based on accurate modeling of complex systems. Computational models will create new InSAR-based damage estimates for different types of infrastructure. This project will provide new insights into infrastructure resilience, helping decision-makers manage and maintain infrastructure effectively.

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